Thank you to the attendees of PDF 2007. Please browse this archive site for more information about the 4th annual Personal Democracy Forum.

Technology and the Internet are changing democracy in America. Every year, the nation's leading technologists, campaign organizers, politicos, bloggers, activists and journalists come together in New York City for a high-level conversation about the new tools, sites and practices that are transforming elections and government, and to ask imperative questions:

  • How is voter-generated content changing election campaigns?
  • Why should advocacy groups adapt to the connected age?
  • What new technology tools and practices are on the horizon?
  • How are new technologies democratizing the political process?
  • Which political leaders "get it"?

Speakers included:

Civic Hall
Personal Democracy Media presents Civic Hall, a one-of-a-kind community center for the world’s civic innovators. Located in the heart of New York City, Civic Hall is your home for civic tech.


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