Europe | Feb 1-2

Friday, February 1st, 2013

08:30 - 09:30 Welcome Coffee & Registration
09:30 - 10:45 Opening Plenary
Andrew Rasiej, Personal Democracy Media, US (video)
Stephen Mull, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Poland (video)
Kazimierz Wóycicki, Ph.D., Academic, Journalist, Philosopher
Stephen King, Partner, Omidyar Network, UK (video)
Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation, US (video)
Jérémie Zimmerman, La Quadrature du Net, France (video)
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:30 2nd Plenary - Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Participation

Moderator: Piotr VaGla Waglowski, Policy Director, Fundacja ePaństwo // ePF
Jarosław Gowin, Minister of Justice, The Republic of Poland (video)
Małgorzata Steiner, Director, Department of Analysis and Public Communication, Ministry of Administration and Digitization, The Republic of Poland (video)
Anna Mazgal, Program Director, Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe; Grażyna Kopińska, Director, Stefan Batory Foundation Anti-Corruption Program; Krzysztof Wychowałek, Vice-President, Alliance of Associations Polish Green Network (video)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:15 Breakout Session 1
1. Online Activism – The Reach & the Limits

2. Technology Tools for Citizen Engagement and Accountability – Sponsored by Omidyar

3. Public policy in a Networked Age


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Moderator: Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Co-Founder & President, Panoptykon Foundation, Poland

Arzu Geybullayeva, Correspondent, Social Media Trainer, Azerbeijan

Emin Milli, Writer, Dissident, Azerbeijan

Darko Brkan, President and Founder, Zašto ne (Why Not), Bosnia & Hercegovina

Marek Tuszynski, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Tactical Tech

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Moderator: Stacy Donohue, Director, Investments, Omidyar Network

Stefan Candea, Co-Founder of the Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism

Artas Bartas, Founder, Bribespot

Alaksiej Carniajeu, Chairman, Belarus IT Aid

Aranita Brahaj, Executive Director, Open Data Albania

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Moderator: Micah Sifry, Co-Founder, Personal Democracy Media, US

Orsolya Vincze, K-monitor, watchdog, Hungary

Kuba Wygnanski, Board President, Unit for Social Innovation and Research SHIPYARD, Poland

Jarosław Lipszyc, President, Modern Poland Foundation, Poland

15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 - 17:00 Breakout Session 2
1. Watchdogging 2.0

2. From E-Government to We-Government

3. Social Innovation for Transparency and Participatory Democracy


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Moderator: Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć, SLLGO - The Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups, Poland

Marko Rakar, Windmill, Croatia

Iryna Shvets, Board Member, Civil Network OPORA, Ukraine

Sergejus Muravjovas, Executive Director, Transparency International Lithuania

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Moderator: Edwin Bendyk, journalist, writer, editor at ‘Polityka’, Poland

Alek Tarkowski, Director, Digital Center Projekt: Polska!

Vukosava Crnjanski Šabovic, President, CRTA: Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability, Serbia

Paul Lenz, Head of International Projects, mySociety, UK

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Moderator: Anna Kuliberda, Community Team, Fundacja TechSoup, Poland

Marija Novkovic, Project manager, United Nations Development Programme, Montenegro

Alex Sidorenko, Director, Teplitsa of Social Technologies, Russia

Michał Mach, Owner, Caltha

17:00 - 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 - 18:30 Closing plenary
Andrew Rasiej, Co-Founder, Personal Democracy Media
Svitlana Zalishchuk, Founding Director, Centre UA, Ukraine (video)
Helen Darbishire, Founder and Director, Access Info Europe (video)
Jakub Górnicki, Operations Director, Fundacja ePaństwo // ePF (video)


Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Unconference (barcamp) at 9.30am-3pm at Centre Zielna.

The unconference provided PDF attendees a chance to create their own agenda. Everyone was welcome to propose a topic to discuss at the start of the day and to share information tools and applications that can impact politics at local, national or international level.

The workshops included:

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) is a Human Rights watchdog NGO in Budapest, Hungary. Besides traditional forms of advocacy, the HCLU utilises modern online tools like video and social media websites to reach out effectively to a broader audience.

The freely distributable online videos translate often complicated issues into easily understandable and interesting video pieces that not only inform but motivate and mobilise for direct action for change, for example petition signing or email sending. The videos, produced by the HCLU staff are covering the topics of drug policy reform and harm reduction development, HIV/AIDS and human rights, patients rights and rights of people living with disabilities, rights of roma people, and other fields of interests of the HCLU like political freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of assembly) and freedom of information. We use viral videos in fundraising, the latest experiment was to try out crowdsourcing on globalgiving.com.

These videos appear on social media sites like Facebook, or Twitter, and they are frequently featured on major Hungarian online news portals, like index.hu, quickly achieving 5-10-25-70 thousand views per film. Sometimes our films are shown on TV.

The videos are produced in International issues too. The HCLU has become the "chronicler of the international harm reduction movement“ as we feature international events, conferences and country specific topics from almost all continents. We also make films for other NGOs and train them in video production.

The workshop held by the HCLU staff on Saturday will explain how the HCLU is producing and distributing self made videos. We would show some movies too. We would also talk about how we use online tools in fundraising, like Facebook, viral videos etc. It would be open for discussion during the whole time.

Workshop leaders: Andrea Polgar, Katalin Sós & István Gábor Takács, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU/ TASZ)

Parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) are spearheading innovations that enable citizen understanding and participation in parliamentary processes. More than 110 PMOs from over 70 countries have recently coalesced to develop and support a shared Declaration on Parliamentary Openness, requesting parliaments make an "increased commitment to openness and to citizen engagement in parliamentary work." Sessions in this track will focus on a) exchanging lessons learned by groups that support citizen-MP communication and citizen engagement in lawmaking online, and b) idea sharing around collaborative monitoring of parliamentary compliance with the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness.

What can numbers in a spreadsheet tell you? How can you craft a story from them? This session will get you working with a dataset to find a convincing story. You will be given an array of data and encouraged to dig up related information. In groups you will find a story to tell based on the evidence and plan how to communicate it to whom in a visual way. By the end you should have a concept for a data-driven visual metaphor aimed at the right audience with the right message.

Workshop leaders: Emma Prest & Faith Bosworth, Tactical Technology Collective

Breakout Session Descriptions

Online Activism – The Reach & the Limits

Online activism is more and more often presented as a one-size-fits-all solution for successful advocacy campaigns, no matter the scope or purpose. Hardly ever are we pushed to define what "online activism" really means, what its strengths are or its limits. Phenomena such as the Arab Spring, Occupy movement or European protests against ACTA bring interesting insights in this respect. Citizens engaging in various forms of online activism (e.g. via social media) can often be at risk but can also fight back using ever more powerful tools not only to organize protests but to record the behavior of those who would oppose them. What opportunities and challenges do on-line tools create for activists? Are we just at the beginning of an entirely new era of connected activism or is "on-line activism" nothing more than yet another buzz word?

Public policy in a Networked Age

In an era of growing connectivity, transparency and public participation, how should policy makers respond and adapt? What are the benefits and risks of inviting public engagement in policy conversations? Is greater public participation inevitable, or does it require certain kinds of government interventions or policies to ensure that it happens (i.e. reforms of copyright, changes in government culture or policies regarding using interactive media, expansion of access to affordable Internet)? Who stands to win or lose from these changes?

Social Innovation for Transparency and Participatory Democracy

Can transparency and participatory movements benefit from social innovation methods? Are new decentralized communication and participant-driven events helping in bringing change to democracy? Let's talk about app contests, prototyping social change and testing new ideas for anti-corruption and improvements in politics. What's working and what are the challenges. How to engage citizens in the age of 2.0, while simultaneously capitalizing upon all the work that's been already done in the field.

Watchdogging 2.0

New technologies have brought acceleration and the opportunity for massive engagement in civic oversight. How will organizations use it in practice? How can they solve key problems with getting information? How can organizations use that information? Are the on-line tools only an element of traditional work, which focuses on communicating with politicians, pressuring them, finding evidence, informing media – maybe even litigating - or maybe we should forget it and change our thinking? What have new technologies brought – new methods or new types of organizations?

From E-Government to We-Government

Governments are publishing ever more online data. At the same time citizens are also generating huge amounts of public data and are beginning to develop civic applications using gov’t and/or public data and doing it faster than governments can, moving the relationship between government and citizens from eGov to weGov.

Technology Tools for Citizen Engagement and Accountability – Sponsored by Omidyar

In Central Eastern Europe, organizations are emerging that are adeptly building robust new tools, platforms, applications, and techniques to increase citizen engagement and citizen-led engagement with elected leaders and governments.

See demonstrations of four projects, and meet and ask questions of the people building and running them.

Civic Hall
Personal Democracy Media presents Civic Hall, a one-of-a-kind community center for the world’s civic innovators. Located in the heart of New York City, Civic Hall is your home for civic tech.


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